Aim and Mission: Studying Corporate Governance in Greece
The Hellenic Observatory of Corporate Governance (HOCG) is a research and education centre dedicated to the study and application of responsible principles of corporate governance in Greece.
Specifically, the mission of the HOCG is to examine and monitor the practices of corporate governance. This is being achieved through the observation and research of directors, investors, and senior executives. Hence, HOCG activities focus on identifying and promoting responsible practices worldwide in all aspects of corporate governance.
An aim of HOCG for the future, is to soon become an established forum for professionals and academics in Greece. The forum members will have as a common goal the enhancement of corporate governance standards. This can result with a simultaneous coordination with similar centres or institutions in other developed and developing economies.
To access the published issues of HOCG, please go to “Reviews” under “Research” Category or click the link to access our studies of Corporate Governance in Greek sectors.
The initial intention of the HOCG was to produce and distribute a newsletter twice a year (July and January), in order to provide its readers with news, developments, research findings and other relevant information on issues relating to the emerging field of Corporate Governance and Boards of Directors in Greece.
The HOCG regularly issues studies on different sectors of the Greek environment. It has already published annual reports on the listed companies, the SOEs, Maritime Companies, Greek Hospitals and Greek Football Clubs. To access the studies click here
To remain competent in a changing world, corporations must innovate and adapt their corporate governance practices so that they can meet new demands and grasp new opportunities. Similarly, governments have an important responsibility for shaping an effective regulatory framework that provides for sufficient flexibility to function effectively and to respond to expectations of shareholders and other stakeholders.