Conferences and Journal Publications in Corporate Governance


Nugroho, H. A. Koufopoulos, D. N. and Gkliatis, I. (2024) Linking Non-Financial Performance Determinants with IPO Underpricing: Evidence from Indonesia, Proceedings of the 20th European Conference on Management Leadership and Governance, ECMLG 2024, Nov. 14th-15th, 

Shiwei Shen, Jin Ye. Irini Dimou, Marios D. Sotiriadis and Dimitrios Koufopoulos (2024) Environmental, Social and Corporate Governance (ESG) Performance in Tourism: Suggesting a Tourism Industry-specific ESG Reporting Framework and Examining Context’s Significance, Tourism Management, Vol. xx, No xx, pp. xx-xx, second review

Gkliatis, I. and Koufopoulos, D. N. (2024) Shifting attention from board anatomy to board physiology to understand the roles of directors: evidence from UK companies, International Journal of Corporate Governance and Ethics, Vol. 18, No. 3, pp. xx-xx,  DOI: 10.1504/IJBGE.2023.10053237

Zhewen Li, Konstantinos A. Athanasiadis, Michail Fygkioris, & Dimitrios N. Koufopoulos  (2024) Financial Reporting Quality, CEO Age, and Investment Efficiency: Evidence from the U.S. Market, presented at the 11th International Hybrid Conference on Management Studies (ICMS), Istanbul, Turkey August 10,

Yang, M., Fygkioris, M., Katsikas, E., Grose, C., Koufopoulos, D. (2024) The impact of executives’ financial background on corporate innovation, presented at the 18th International Conference on Enterprise Systems, Accounting, Logistics & Management, ICESALM, June 25-28, Santorini, Greece

Yang, J., Fygkioris, M., Katsikas, E., Grose, C., Koufopoulos, D. (2024) An Analysis of the Impact of ESG on Corporate Financial Performance, presented at the 18th International Conference on Enterprise Systems, Accounting, Logistics & Management, ICESALM, June 25-28, Santorini, Greece

Sitao Chan, Dionisia Tzavara, Maria Argyropoulou, Dimitrios Koufopoulos, Rachel Argyropoulou (2024) Executive characteristics and earnings management: A study of manager tenure gender and overconfidence, presented at the 16th  International Conference of Economies of the Balkan and Eastern European Countries, EBEEC, May 17-19 , Vilnius, Lithuania

Ying Zhang, Marios Sotiriadis and Dimitrios Koufopoulos (2024)  Investigating the Influence of CEO Compensation Structure on Corporate Payout Policy: Evidence form the U.S. Market presented at the EuroMid Academy of Business & Technology (EMABT), April 19th- 20th, Istanbul, Turkey


Gkliatis, I., Katsikas, E., Chen, Z. and Koufopoulos D. (2023) “The Impact of CSR on the Financial Performance of Firms in Different Industries: An Example from the Financial Industry and the Healthcare Industry”, presented in the 19th European Conference on Management Leadership and Governance,  23-24 November 2023, London, UK,

Tang, Y., Katsikas, E., Koufopoulos, D., Fygkioris, M., Grose, C., Chantziaras, A., Athanasiadis, K., (2023), “An Empirical Study on the relationship between Executive Team Heterogeneity and Corporate Innovation” presented at Corporate Governance: Participants, Mechanisms and Performance, Online, November 23

Fygkioris, Michail; Wang, Yiting; Katsikas, Epameinondas; Tsileponis, Nikolaos; Gkliatis, Ioannis; Grose, Chris; Chantziaras, Antonios; Athanasiadis, Konstantinos and Koufopoulos, Dimitrios, (2023), “CEO Gender and Firm Risk: empirical evidence from Chinese listed companies”, presented at the 16th Annual Conference of the EuroMed Academy of Business (EMAB): Business Transformation in Uncertain Global Environments, September 27th-29th, Vilnius, Lithuania.

Khyati Desai and Dimitrios Koufopoulos (2023) Clarifying attributes of dynamic capability for competitive advantage: Enabling role of organizational design, British Academy of Management, Sept 2023, Sussex presented at the BAM 2023

Epameinondas Katsikas, Yan Fang, Konstantinos Athanasiadis, Antonios Chantziaras, Dimitrios Koufopoulos (2023), “Does Cceos’ educational background influence firms’ ESG performance?”, presented at the 15th International Conference of Economies of the Balkan and Eastern European Countries, EBEEC, May 12-14, Chios, Greece

Epameinondas Katsikas, Yining Xhang, Michail Fygkioris, Dimitrios Koufopoulos (2023), “The impact of CSR performance on corporate innovation”, presented at the 15th International Conference of Economies of the Balkan and Eastern European Countries EBEEC, May 12-14, Chios, Greece


Zhang, P., Katsikas, E., Katsoulis, V., and Athanasiadis, K., (2022) “Corporate Social Responsibility and Corporate Financial Performance”, presented at International Conference of Economies of the Balkan and Eastern European Countries EBEEC, Florence, Italy, May 20-22

Li, A., Katsikas, E., Chantziaras, A., and Grose, C., (2022) “CEO Compensation, Agency Theory, Firm Financial Performance: Evidence from Chinese Listed Entreprise in Banking Industry, presented at International Conference of Economies of the Balkan and Eastern European Countries EBEEC, Florence, Italy, May 20-22

Christofidou, M., Katsikas, E., Fygkioris, M., Gkliatis, I., and Koufopoulos, D., (2022) “Earnings Management by EU Banks: Impact of Directive 2014/56/EU and Corruption”, presented at International Conference of Economies of the Balkan and Eastern European Countries EBEEC, Florence, Italy, May 20-22

Kalialakis, I., Grose, C., Fygkioris, M., Koufopoulos, D., and Sikalidis, A., (2022) “Corporate Governance Compliance in Alternative Markets: The Case of the Alternative Market of ATHEX”, presented at International Conference of Economies of the Balkan and Eastern European Countries EBEEC, Florence, Italy, May 20-22


Grose, C., Argyropoulou, M., Koufopoulos, D., Tzavara, D., Efraimidou, M., Theodorakoglou, S. (2021). “Female Members in Corporate Board of Directors and Financial Performance”. In Goran Karanovic, Persefoni Polychronidou and Anastasios Karasavvoglou (Eds.), The Changing Financial Landscape, Financial Performance Analysis of Real and Banking Sectors in Europe. Springer. 978-3-030-82778-6

Qier, S., Koufopoulos, D., Fygkioris, M., Katsikas, E., Brahma, S. (2021), “CEO cash compensation and investment inefficiency: Evidence from Chinese Listed companies”, presented at EIASM – 18th Workshop on Corporate Governance, Online, Oct 18-19

Shiyu Z., Koufopoulos, D., Athanasiadis, K., Katsikas, E., Brahma, S. (2021), “Female representation effect on FTSE 100 firm performance”, presented at EIASM – 18th Workshop on Corporate Governance, Online, Oct 18-19

Pastra, A., Koufopoulos, D.N., Samac, N. and Johansson, T. (2021), “Conflict in the boardroom: perceptions of board members in the Nordic Region”, International Studies of Management & Organization, Vol. 51, No. 2, pp. 116-135,

Pastra, A., Koufopoulos, D.N., Samac, N. and Johansson, T. (2021), “Behavioral integration in the boardroom”, Team Performance Management, Vol. 27 No. 3/4, pp. 260-277.

Pastra, A., Koufopoulos, D.N., Skintzi, V., Johansson, T. and Samac, N. (2021), “Exploring trust in the boardroom: the case of Nordic region”, Team Performance Management, Vol. 27 No. 3/4, pp. 278-293.

Grose, C., Koufopoulos, D., Gkliatis, I., Athanasiadis, K., Fygkioris, M., (2021) “Board characteristics and board committees in the Greek corporate governance framework”, presented at International Conference of Economies of the Balkan and Eastern European Countries EBEEC, Pafos, Cyprus, May 14-16


Makri, E., Koufopoulos, D., Athanasiadis, K., Fygkioris, M., (2020) “Gender diversity, performance and risk implications in the EU systemic banks”, presented at the EIASM-17th Workshop on Corporate Governance, Online, November 3-4

Athanasiadis, K., Walters, G., Koufopoulos, D., (2020) “Looking through the process lens: Unpacking the CEO succession planning”, presented at the EIASM-17th Workshop on Corporate Governance, Online, November 3-4

Katsikas, E., and Koufopoulos, D. (2020) “The relationship between effective tax rate and firm size. Evidence from a large panel of UK firms”, International Journal of Corporate Finance and Accounting, 7 (2)

Pastra, A., Latif, K. F., Koufopoulos, D., Moysidou, S. and Gkliatis, I. (2020) “Locus of Control, Board Effectiveness and Organisational Performance”, presented at the British Academy of Management Conference, In the Cloud, UK, Sep. 2-4

Vamvaka, E., Athanasiadis, K., Fygkioris, M., Gkliatis, I., Koufopoulos, D. (2020) “Unravelling The Condrum Of leadership In Greek SOEs”, presented at the British Academy of Management Conference, In the Cloud, UK, Sep. 2-4

Grose, C., Argyropoulou, M., Koufopoulos, D., Tzavara, D., Efraimidou, M., and Theodorakoglou, S. (2020) “Female members in corporate board of directors and financial performance”, presented at International Conference of Economies of the Balkan and Eastern European Countries EBEEC, Rijeka-Opatija, Croatia, May 29-31

Gkliatis, I., Koufopoulos, D., Athanasiadis, K. and Katsikas, E. (2020) “Analyzing why Organizations Differ in Board Composition. Evidence from a Large Panel of Greek Manufacturing Firms: Board Composition of Greek Manufacturing Firms”, International Journal of Corporate Finance and Accounting, 7 (1)


Gkliatis, I. P. and Koufopoulos, D. N. and Pastra, A. (2019) “The Interplay of Board Control with Board Configuration; Evidence from the UK”, European Business Law Review, 30 (6), 931-946

Gkliatis, I., Athanasiadis, K., Koufopoulos, D. and Florou, E. (2019) “Exploring Why Organisations Differ in Board Configuration: Do Organisations’ Age, Size and their Years Being Public Matter? Findings from Greek Listed Manufacturing Organisations”, presented at the British Academy of Management Conference, Building and Sustaining High Performance Organisations in Uncertain Times: Challenges and Opportunities, Birmingham, UK, September 3-5

Athanasiadis, K. A., Koufopoulos, D. N. and Gkliatis, I. (2019) “A decision-making process for CEO succession”, presented at the British Academy of Management Corporate Governance Conference, Sustainable Corporate Governance, Southampton, UK, June 24-25

Pastra, A. S., Koufopoulos, D. N., Athanasiadis K. and Gkliatis, I. P. (2019) “Women in the Board of Directors: The Case of Greek Listed Companies”, presented at Empowering Women in the Maritime Community Conference, World Maritime University, Malmo, Sweden, April 4 -5

Τsene, C., Gkliatis, I. & Koufopoulos, D. (2019). “Corporate  governance  and board configuration  in Greece”. In Megginson, W., de Andres, P., Brogi, M., & Govorun, D. (Eds.), Board of directors and company performance: Αn international outlook. Sumy, Ukrain: Virtus Interpress.


Koufopoulos, D. N. and Gkliatis, I. P. (2018) “An exploration of the effect of organisational demography on board size and leadership structure: Evidence from the Greek manufacturing sector”, Corporate Board: Role, Duties and Composition, 14(3), 46-57.

Gkliatis, I., Koufopoulos, D., Pastra, A., Latifa, Khawaja Fawad and Florou, E. (2018) “The Impact of External Environment on the Roles of Board Directors”, presented at the British Academy of Management Conference, Driving Productivity in Uncertain and Challenging Times, Bristol, UK, September 4-6

Dao, T. A., Koufopoulos, D. and Gkliatis, I. P. (2018) “Board characteristics and CEO compensation: Does ownership structure matter”, presented at the British Academy of Management Conference, Driving Productivity in Uncertain and Challenging Times, Bristol, UK, September 4-6

Gkliatis, I., Koufopoulos, D. and Pastra, A. (2018) “The Interplay of Board Roles with Environmental Challenges and Board Configuration”, presented at the Brunel Corporate Governance ConferenceReforming Corporate Governance: News Rules or New Culture?, London, June 8


Nastos, G, Koufopoulos, D.N., Gkliatis, I. P. and Athanasiadis, K. (2017) “Board Characteristics in Football clubs: Evidence from the Greek Superleague 2005-2014”, presented at the 13th European Conference on Management Leadership and Governance (ECMLG), London, UK, December 11-12

Athanasiadis, K., Koufopoulos, D. N., Gkliatis, I. P. (2017) “The Board of Directors in listed Greek Maritime firms: Evidence from the period 2001-2015”, presented at the EIASM-14th Workshop on Corporate Governance, Brussels, Belgium, November 6-7

Pastra, A., Gkliatis, I., Koufopoulos, D. N. (2017) “Organisational Behaviour in Shipping”, in Visvikis I. D. and Panayides, Ph. (ed.), Shipping Operations Management, WMU Studies in Maritime Affairs, Vol. 4, pp. 25-46, Berlin Heidelberg: Springer, ISBN 978-3-319-62364-1, 

Athanasiadis, K., Koufopoulos, D. N. and Gkliatis, I. P. (2017) “The Effect of Organizational Characteristics on Board Characteristics: Preliminary Findings from Listed Shipping Companies”, presented at the British Academy of Management Conference, Re-connecting management research with the disciplines: Shaping the research agenda for the social sciences, Warwick, UK, September 5-7

Dao, T. A., Koufopoulos, D. N. and Gkliatis, I. P. (2017) “The Moderating Effect of Ownership Concentration on the Managerial Power-CEO Pay Relationships”, presented at the British Academy of Management Conference, Re-connecting management research with the disciplines: Shaping the research agenda for the social sciences, Warwick, UK, September 5-7

Nastos, G., Koufopoulos, D. N., Gkliatis, I. P. and Athanasiadis, K. (2017) “The Boards of Directors in Greek Football Clubs: Evidence from the Period 2005-2014”, presented at the 8th International Conference on Sport & Society, London, UK, July 10-11

Pastra, A., Koufopoulos, D. N. and Skintzi, V. (2017) “Trust in the Board of Directors of Nordic Region”, presented at the Nordic Corporate Governance Network, Reykjavik University, Iceland, June 7-9


Gkliatis, I. P. and Koufopoulos, D. N. (2016) “The Impact of Board Structure on the Control Role of Directors: Evidence from the UK”, presented at the British Academy of Management Conference, Thriving in Turbulent Times, Newcastle, UK, September 6-8


Pastra, A. S., Koufopoulos, D. N. and Gkliatis, I. P. (2015) “Board Characteristics and the Presence of Women on the Board of Directors: The Case of the Greek Shipping Sector”, in Kitada, M., Williams, E. and Froholdt, L.L. (ed.) Maritime Women: Global Leadership. WMU Studies in Maritime Affairs, Vol. 3, Berlin Heidelberg: Springer, pp. 35-54, ISBN 978-3-662-45384-1,

Florou, E. T., Koufopoulos, D. N. and Gkliatis, I. P. (2015) “The effect of Board Characteristics on Corporate Reputation: Findings from the most reputable UK listed companies”, accepted at the British Academy of Management Conference, The Value of Pluralism in Advancing Management Research, Education and Practice, Portsmouth, UK, September 8-10

Pastra, A. S., Gkliatis, I. P., Koufopoulos, D. N. and Monopati, M. (2015) “Corporate Governance in Greece: A Short Meta-Analysis”, presented at the MBAcademy International Business Conference, London, UK, July 3-5


Gkliatis, I. P. and Koufopoulos, D. N. (2014) “Exploring The Roles of Directors: Monitoring, Service or Strategy? Findings from Board Members of UK Organisations” presented at theBritish Academy of Management Conference, The Role of the Business School in Supporting Economic and Social Development, Belfast, UK, September 9-11


Koufopoulos, D. N., Gkliatis, I. P. and Seitanidi, M. (2013) “Does Organisational Demography Affect Board Characteristics? Findings from the Manufacturing Sector in Greece”, International Journal of Management Accounting Research, Vol. 3, No. 1, pp. 95-114

Gkliatis, I. P. and Koufopoulos, D. N. (2013) “What Board Members Do? How the Roles of Executives and Non-Executives Differ” presented at the British Academy of Management Conference, Managing to Make a Difference, Liverpool, UK, September 10-12,

Pastra, A., Gkliatis, I. P. and Koufopoulos, D. N. (2013) “Ownership and Board Characteristics in Family Firms: The Case of the Greek Shipping Sector” presented at the 9th Workshop on Family Firm Management ResearchHelsinki, Finland, May 24-25


Tran, Q. and Koufopoulos, D. N. (2012) “Determinants of CEO Turnover in Transition Economies: Vietnam as an Ideal Case, Journal of Economic Development, 213: 72-83,, ISSN 1859-1116

Zafeiropoulou, F. and Koufopoulos, D. N. (2012) “The Influence of Relational Marketing Paradigm on the Governance Structure of the Novel Channel Format Named Social Franchising; An Exporative Qualitative Analyses of Four Social Franchises from the UK”, International Journal of Social Entrepreneurship and Innovation, Vol. 1, No. 4, pp. 404-417, 10.1504/IJSEI.2012.051477

Jacob, S. and Koufopoulos, D, N., (2012) “Corporate Social Responsibility: Is it a Competitive Advantage or a Public Relation Exercise to improve Corporate Reputation for the major companies in United Kingdom”, presented at the BAM 2012 Conference, Management Research Revisited: Prospects for Theory and Practice, Cardiff Business School, Cardiff University, Wales, September 11-13

Senek, S. and Koufopoulos, D. N. (2012) “Corporate Ethics Governance – A Framework beyond Codes and Borders of Stakeholders” presented at the EBES 2012 Conference – Istanbul, Turkey, May 24- 26th, 2012 at the Taksim Nippon Hotel Istanbul


Koufopoulos, D. N., Georgakakis, D. G., Gkliatis, I. P. and Zoumbos, V. Th. (2011) “Corporate Governance in the UK” in the Kostyuk, A. N., Gerner-Beuerle, C. and Apreda, R. (ed.) Corporate Governance: An International Outlook, Sumy: Virtus Interpress, pp. 233- 245, ISBN: 978-966-96872-2-7,

Koufopoulos, D. N., Georgakakis, D. G. and Gkliatis, I. P. (2011) “Corporate Governance in Greece” in the Kostyuk, A. N., Gerner-Beuerle, C. and Apreda, R. (ed.) Corporate Governance: An International Outlook, Sumy: Virtus Interpress, pp. 246-262, ISBN: 978-966-96872-2-7,

Gkliatis, I. P. and Koufopoulos, D. N. (2011) “What Directors Do? Do Executives and Non-Executives have the same Roles?” presented at the 8th Workshop On Corporate Governance, EIASM conference, Brussels, Belgium, May 30-31,


Gkliatis, I. P., Tsoni, E. Ch. and Koufopoulos, D. N. (2010) “Examining the Relationship of Board Attributes with Organisational Demography: Evidence from Greek Listed Companies Operating in the Service Sector” presented at the 3rd Annual Euromed Conference, Nicosia, Cyprus, November 4-5

Zoumbos, V. Th., Tsoni, E. Ch., Koufopoulos, D. N. and Gkliatis, I. P. (2010) “The Health Care System in Greece: Corporate Governance practices and the Board of Directors of the Greek Hospitals” presented at the EBES 2010 Conference, Athens, Greece, October 28-30

Tsoni E. Ch., Koufopoulos, D. N. and Gkliatis, I. P. (2010) “Organizational Characteristics and Attributes of the Board of Directors: Findings from the Greek Manufacturing Sector” presented at the European Conference on Management Leadership and Governance (ECMLG), The College of Management “Edukacja” and the Professional Development Center “Edukacja”, Wroclaw, Poland, October 28-29

Koufopoulos, D. N., Gkliatis, I. P., Tsoni, E. Th. and Zoumbos, V. Th. (2010) “The Effect of Organisational Demography on Board Characteristics: Findings from the Greek Manufacturing Sector” presented at the British Academy of Management ConferenceManagement Research in a Changing Climate, The University of Sheffield, Sheffield, UK, September 14-16

Daga, R., and Koufopoulos, D. N., (2010), “Disclosure and Corporate Governance in Developing Countries: Evidence from India” presented at the British Academy of ManagementConference,Management Reserarch in a Changing Climate, The University of Sheffield, Sheffiled, UK, September 14-16

Zoumbos, V. Th., Gkliatis, I. P., Tsoni, E. Ch.,  Koufopoulos, D. N. and Seitanidi, M. (2010) “The Effect of Organizational Characteristics on Board Attributes: Findings from the Greek Manufacturing Sector” presented at the Business & Economics Society International Conference, Athens, Greece, July 15-19

Zoumbos, V. Th, Gkliatis, I. P., Tsoni, E. Ch., Agalioti, N., Koufopoulos, D. N., and Lagoudis, I. N. (2010) “Corporate Governance Practices by Listed Greek Maritime Firms” accpeted for presentation at the IAME 2010 Annual Conference, “The Quest for Sustainable Shipping and Port Industries”, Lisbon, Portugal, July 7-9

Koufopoulos, D, N., Lagoudis I, N., Syriopoulos, C, T and Theotokas, I, N., (2010) “Corporate Governance  and Boards in the Greek  Maritime Organizations” Corporate Governance: The International Journal of Business in Society, Vol. 10, No. 3, pp. 261-278, ISBN 1472-0701,

Gkliatis, I. P., Tsoni, E. Ch., Zoumbos, V. Th. and Koufopoulos, D. N. (2010) “Board Attributes and the Impact of Organizational Characteristics: Findings from the Greek Listed Manufacturing Companies” presented at the 7th Workshop On Corporate Governance, EIASM conference, Brussels, Belgium, June 21-22

Koufopoulos, D. N., Tsoni, E. Ch., Gkliatis, I. P. and Zoumbos, V. Th. (2010) “Review of Recent Developments in Corporate Governance practices in Greece: A Short Meta-Analysis” presented at the 8th European Academic Conference on “Internal Audit and Corporate Governance”, Chios, Greece, April 21-23


Gkliatis, I. P., Tsoni, E. and Koufopoulos, D. N. (2009) “Corporate Governance Practices in State-owned Enterprises: Preliminary Findings from the Greek Sector” presented at the 6th Workshop On Corporate Governance, EIASM conference, Brussels, Belgium, November 23-24

Gkliatis, I. P., Georgakakis, D. G., Zoumbos, V. Th., Al-Karaghouli, W., Seitanidi, M. and Koufopoulos, D. N. (2009), “Exploring Organizational and Board Relationships on the Athens Stock Exchange” presented  at the 5th European Conference on Management Leadership and Governance (ECMLG), Hellenic American University, Athens, Greece, November 5-6

Gkliatis, I. P., Georgakakis, D. G., Koufopoulos, D. N., Kaltchev, G., Seitaidi, M. and Tsoni, E. (2009), “Board Attributes and Organisational Demography- Evidence from Companies Listed in the Athens Stock Exchange” presented at the 2nd Annual Euromed Conference, Salerno, Italy, October 26-28

Ogbechie, C., and Koufopoulos, D. N., (2009), “Board Processes and Effectiveness in the Nigerian Banking Industry” presented at the British Academy of Management Conference, The End of the Pier? Competing Perspectives on the Challenges Facing Business and Management, Brighton, UK, 15-17 September

Gkliatis I. P., Georgakakis D. G., Koufopoulos, D. N., (2009), “Organizational Demography and Board Characteristics: Evidence from the Greek Listed Companies” presented at the British Academy of Management Conference, The End of the Pier? Competing Perspectives on the Challenges Facing Business and Management, Brighton, UK, 15-17 September

Georgakakis D. G., Gkliatis I. P., Zoumbos, V., Aggelidakis K., Agalioti N., Tsoni E., Koufopoulos, D, N., (2009) “Governance, Boards and Performance in Greek Public Hospitals” presented at the 8th International Conference on Health Economics, Management and Policy, organized by the Athens Institute for Education and Research (ATINER), Athens, Greece, June 30-July 2

Argyropoulou, M., Koufopoulos D., Ioannou G., and Sharma Kumar Motvani, (2009) “A Framework for Measuring the Impact of Enterprise Resource Planning Systems on Organisational Performance of SMEs” presented at the 16th International EurOMA 2009 Conference, Implementation – Realizing Operations Management Knowledge, Goteborg, Sweden, 16th-17th June

Lazarides T., Drimpetas, E., and Koufopoulos, D, N., (2009) “Ownership Structure in Greece: Determinants and Implications of Corporate Governance” presented at the International Conference on Applied Economics (ICOAE), Technological Institute in Kozani, Greece, May 27-30th

Ogbechie, C., and Koufopoulos, D. N., (2009) “Board Processes and Effectiveness in the Nigerian Banking Industry” presented at the 10th Annual International Conference: Repositioning African Business and Development for the 21st Century, organized by the International Academy of African Business and Development (IAABD), Kampala, Uganda, 19-23 May


Karamitrou, A., Gkliatis, I, P., Koufopoulos, D, N., and Argyropoulou, M., (2008) “Corporate Governance and the Mission Statement in the Greek Health Sector” presented at the 4th European Conference on Management Leadership and Governance (ECMLG), University of Reading, UK, November, 27-28th

Lazarides T., Argyropoulou, M., Drimpetas, E., and Koufopoulos, D, N., (2008) “Disclosure as the Major Factor of Success for Corporate Governance and Enterprise Systems” presented at the 4th European Conference on Management Leadership and Governance (ECMLG), University of Reading, UK, November, 27-28th

Georgakakis, D and Koufopoulos D, N., (2008) “The Association between Board and Organizational Performance in Nonprofit and Public Healthcare Organizations: A Greek Perspective” presented at the 5th Workshop on Corporate Governance organized by the European Institute of Advanced Studies in Management (EIASM), Brussels, Belgium, November 27-28

Koufopoulos, D, N., Gkliatis, P, I., Zoumbos, V., Argyropoulou, M., Lazarides, T., and Politis I., (2008) “A Descriptive Analysis of Organisational Demography and Board Elements: The case of the Greek Listed Companies” presented at the 1st International EuroMed Conference, European and Mediterranean Trends and Challenges in the 21st Century, Marseille, France, November 17-18


Koufopoulos, D, N., Zoumbos, V., and Oikonomou A., Gerouki, E., (2007) “Exploring the Chairman, Board Composition and Performance Relationship” presented at the 4th International Conference on Small and Medium Sized Enterprises: Management-Marketing-Economic Aspects organized by the Athens Institute for Education and Research (ATINER), Athens, Greece, August 6-9

Koufopoulos, D, N., Coutroubis, A and Lagoudis I (2007) “One Size Does Not Fit All: Revisiting Conceptual Wisdom by Assessing Corporate Governance Practices of the Greek Management Shipping Companies” presented at the International Association of Maritime Economists (IAME) Conference, organized by the Athens Laboratory of Business (ALBA) , Athens, Greece, July 4-5

Ogbechie, C., and Koufopoulos, D, N., (2007) “Board Characteristics and Involvement in Strategic Decision Making: The Nigerian Perspective”, presented at the 3rd European Conference on Management, Leadership and Governance, pp. 177-186, University of Winchester, UK, 19-20 April

Ogbechie, C., and Koufopoulos, D, N., (2007) “Corporate Governance Practices in Publicly Quoted Companies in Nigeria” presented at the 4th World Congress on Corporate Governance jointly sponsored by the Management of Innovation and New Technology (MINT) Research Centre, the Directors College and the DeGroote School of Business, McMaster University, Hamilton, Ontario, Canada, January

Professional Publications

Elnavi Monthly Shipping Review (2014), “Women and Shipping”, Vol. 486, pp. 142  (Greek Version), click here

Naftemporiki (2013), “A model of Corporate Governance”, July 8th, pp. 13 (Greek Version), click here

Naftemporiki (2011), “Governance in National Health Care System: An Empirical Approach”, September 27th, (in Greek) click here

Hellenic Management Association (2011), “On the Crossroad of 21st Century’s Challenges” published by Corporate Affairs in EDGE, pp. 51-54, (in Greek), click here

Naftemporiki (2011), “Governance Approaches in Listed Maritime Companies”, April 6th, pp. 16-17, (in Greek), click here

Naftemporiki (2011), “Management Strategies of SOE’s in Greece”, February 5th, pp. 31-32, (in Greek), click here

Naftemporiki (2010), “The Board of Directors in Football Clubs In Greece”, July 14th, pp. 60-61, (in Greek), click here

Naftemporiki (2010), “Board of Directors in the SOE’s in Greece: Findings from the second annual research”, March 2nd, pp. 68-69, (in Greek), click here

Naftemporiki (2009), “The Management of SOE’s in Greece”, October 26th, pp. 20-21, (in Greek), click here

Naftemporiki (2009), “On Corporate Democracy and Voting Rights”, July 27th, pp. B4, (in Greek), SID:3839540, click here

Naftemporiki (2009), “Trends and Prospects of Corporate Governance for Greek Listed Companies”, May 25th, pp. B2-B3, (in Greek), click here

Economy and Sports (2008), “Corporate Governance in English and in Greek Football Industry: Myth or Reality?”, Vol. 8, No. 2, pp. 7-10, (in Greek), click here

Koufopoulos, D, N., and Coutroubis, A., (2007) “Corporate Governance in Maritime Organizations” ECONOMIC OUTLOOK, Vol. 113, April, pp. 40-46, ISSN 1107-363

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